Better Management of Samples With Cloud-Based Sampling Tool Program

Over the years, sampling programs have been an effective approach for doctors and patients to have access to innovative, chronic, and life-saving medication. However, due to the process being largely manual, pharmaceutical companies faced challenges in controlling and managing the samples to the doctors as well as identifying the eligibility of recipients.

This predicament has led to the emergence of cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) programs which will provide the way forward to better control and track the distribution of samples. One example is the DKSH Sampling Tool program which comes as a cloud-based SaaS offering designed to help pharmaceutical companies and medical device business to improve the management of the samples provided to healthcare practitioners.

With the Sampling Tool, pharmaceutical and medical device companies can now easily manage and track the distribution of samples to HCPs with greater accuracy and efficiency. This digital tool seamlessly conducts eligibility checks in real-time, collects e-consent, initiates delivery from our delivery hubs, and closely monitors the flow of samples to ensure the benefit reaches the patient (refer to the figure above).

The program can be designed to only manage the distribution of samples to HCP or be combined with a patient access or support program (PAP/ PSP), allowing full flexibility to optimize impact. In addition to the above, the program can also include customized approval pathways, granting pharmaceutical and medical device companies’ full control of their programs.

Combining these processes onto one platform, it offers unparalleled convenience to pharmaceutical and medical device companies and their field force, HCPs, and patients. Companies can now utilize a streamlined and hassle-free process that saves them time, effort, and resources, all whilst ensuring better patient outcomes.

There is a high adoption rate for HCPs as there are low barriers to entry. Additionally, pharmaceutical and medical device companies can receive real-time dashboards that manage all metrics around ordering and fulfilment, allowing them access to insights to make informed decisions.

Referring to DKSH’s progress since having deployed the sampling tool in Malaysia in 2022, we achieved a 41 percent increase in sample orders after the first month of the program. The program runs nationwide and has benefited over 3,500 HCPs in more than 1,200 hospitals in just under a couple of months.

Businesses using the tool have benefited from the increased effectiveness of automating key activities in the process, which ultimately has helped them save both time and money. In addition to cost savings, the platform’s ability to collect and store consent has helped them tackle compliance issues. With proper documentation within PSPhere, as with all our other programs, our clients’ compliance and audit teams are given full visibility of the program to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies appreciate this increased visibility as it helps them make data-driven decisions and monitor the program’s success. With the Sampling Tool, the distribution process has now been streamlined which ultimately improves their overall performance and enhances the lives of patients.

Reach out to us if you are keen to learn more about how this Sampling Tool can help improve access, encourage adherence, and provide convenience to your customers and patients.